
Lunark ascension
Lunark ascension

lunark ascension

  • Kunark Ascending: Ghost Whisperer - from Setri Lur'eth.
  • Kunark Ascending: Opportunity 'Noks - from Trooper Sotek.
  • Rewards with Obulus Frontier Access for the whole account.
  • Kunark Ascending: Beyond the Veil - Through mail from Queen Alwenielle.
  • If you don't do the Tradeskill line, you won't get faction with the Bloody Tooth Goblins and their faction merchant, nor be able to use the Banker and other merchants in the Crusader's Cave (with disguise). Be aware that this timeline gives you faction with Nye'Caelona and the Crusaders of Greenmist, and the Tradeskill side gives faction with Twark and Nye'Caelona.
  • Note: There are NO QUESTS, and therefore No Way To Gain Faction with any Kunark Ascending beings without finishing the access quest and/or the Tradeskill line.
  • (Even completing the Signature quest doesn't grant that much faction.) The only way to do so is to progress far enough along the Crafting questline to receive a disguise that sets factions correctly.
  • It does not allow the use of the Banker, etc in the Crusader's cave.
  • Although in theory they are available, they are not really available unless you progress somewhat in the Signature quest and the NPCs are no longer KOS.
  • It does not grant access to the Geomancer Ascension master - there are aggressive NPCs sited right next to this ascension master, and they do not path away.
  • It does not exempt the alt from doing the Signature and Crafting quest in order to allow entry and use of facilities in any of: the Crusader's Cave, Nye'Caelona, or Twark.
  • Note: it doesn't grant Goblish or Cae'Dal!.
  • Grants understanding of the following languages:
  • Note: to use the Greenmist proc from the weapon you get from the Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon, you still have to finish the Greenmist HQ Timeline.
  • Grants the ability to utilize Dalnir's work chest key - which means you don't need to do Greenmist HQ Timeline to do the questline.
  • Grants access to train with all Ascension Masters.
  • If you have completed many quests and are still a bit shy of that, you may be missing Changing of the Tides.

    lunark ascension

    Once you complete this Timeline with one character, it's possible for your other characters to purchase The Essential Kunark Guide for 100p from Sarya Val'Sara in Nye'Caelona at ( -231, 91, -241 ) Copy /waypoint -231, 91, -241 after your faction with Nye'Caelona is -20,000 or better. there is a puzzle for Amenophas Livingspirit (Mount).Note: You don't need to bring the Greenmist along for the quest.You need to have completed the Greenmist HQ Timeline for Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon.Note:The collection members have random spawns as "!" and are NO-TRADE.You have to finish the collection: Examples of Cae'Dal Script in Obulus Frontier for the quests after Kunark Ascending: History in Stone.You need to be able to speak Goblish for some quests.You need to be able to speak Sathirian for Kunark Ascending: History in Stone.You need to be able to speak Draconic for Kunark Ascending: History in Stone.Completing the ToT signature line is only required for the triumph achievement which gives a best in slot offhand.You don't need to do the Terrors of Thalumbra Timeline to start this signature quest line.You need to be at least a level 2 Artisan for Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon.You need to be at least a level 100 Adventurer.For the Missions please see Sovereign of Rile Mission System.

    lunark ascension

    Tradeskillers, please see the Kunark Ascending Crafting Timeline.4 NPC Quests that are not part of the SQ Timeline.

    Lunark ascension