
Bioshock 2 kill stanley or let him live
Bioshock 2 kill stanley or let him live

In fact, the dialogs here are identical, only the first part of the animation that we will see differs. If we don't want to sacrifice ourselves, we will see a variation of the typical bad ending. Dlatego tez, jesli w trakcie gry z jakichs powodów zdarzalo nam sie Siostrzyczki nie tylko ratowac, ale i usmiercac - bedziemy musieli zadecydowac o wlasnym poswieceniu, lub ratunku (ciezko go jednak nazwac pelnowartosciowa egzystencja). What's interesting is that we get a choice at the gray end, when we probably won't expect it. One of the possible ways to choose will allow us to make a decision about the completion that we want to see. allow him to make use of his faculties (Gray Interview 47). Thats what he wanted, and I dont really see any better solution. World of Warcraft, Irrational Gamess Bioshock, and Zyngas Facebook game Frontierville. Only then will the "former" Alexander open a special button that will disable his current figure. Not worth the effort, really.kill or spare Alexander Kill. The fact is that, having received the key that allows us to open the secret passage to Persephone, we must wait a few minutes at the control panel located in front of the large tank. Gilbert, if we're in a hurry, it's easy to miss the opportunity to kill him.

bioshock 2 kill stanley or let him live bioshock 2 kill stanley or let him live

Rzeczonymi szczesliwcami whose lives we have to decide are: Grace Holloway ( Pauper's Drop), Stanley Poole ( Dionysus Park) and Gilbert Alexander ( Fontaine Futuristics). W przeciwienstwie do czesci pierwszej, gdzie czynnikiem determinujacym bylo nasze postepowanie wzgledem Siostrzyczek, tym razem wybór oparty zostal o warunek dodatkowy, czyli podjete przez nas decyzje o oszczedzeniu, lub eksterminacji spotykanych w trakcie gry, istotnych dla fabuly, postaci. They differ slightly from each other - they aren't completely separate endings. Does any aspect of the multi tier ending change than if I were to save those last two Any dialog changes If someone that has tried both options could clear this up for me. If I kill Stanley, and put Gil out of his misery. BioShock 2 has a total of 4 different endings. I've seen a lot of conflicting guides out there.

Bioshock 2 kill stanley or let him live